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Cow Camp Quick Pasta

Cow Camp Quick Pasta

20 Minute Pasta for a Quick, Delicious Dinner.


1 lb. vermicelli

1 14 1/2 oz can Italian Stewed tomatoes diced

1 3.8 oz can sliced olives

3-4 Tbs. olive oil

2 Tbs. Cow Camp Garlic Season-All


In a large sauce pan bring 2 quarts of water to a boil and add 1 Tbs. olive oil & 1 Tbs. Cow Camp Garlic Season-All. Add pasta and cook for 9-12 minutes. While pasta is cooking drain tomatoes and olives. Drain pasta but do not rinse. Put into large bowl, add stewed tomatoes, sliced olives, remaining olive oil and Cow Camp Garlic Season-All. Fold these ingredients until blended evenly and serve.